We are delighted to be opening up the KinkFest 2024 Access Fund for applications!

What is the Access Fund?

The Access Fund was set up in 2015 to assist those who would otherwise be unable to attend KinkFest due to financial barriers. It allows us to offer a limited number of bursary places at a significantly reduced cost.

The Access Fund is also what pays for Essential Companion tickets for attendees who require a carer or assistant due to disability.

What can I apply for with the Access Fund?

  • A reduced price ticket to KinkFest (£40 instead of £85) to make the cost of attending more manageable
  • An Essential Companion ticket if you have a disability that means you require a carer or assistant

We regret that we are unable to assist with other costs, such as travel or accommodation, associated with attending KinkFest.

How do I apply?

Please complete this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd4qZUuxZH1HhRCpV1lyZmHTshZ_lg5KfljH-4tm0i6ALBueQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

Please read ALL the information thoroughly before applying.

How is the Access Fund paid for?

When the event makes a profit, we set aside some of that money for the following year’s Access Fund. Otherwise, it is entirely funded through kind donations from our wonderful community.

Can I donate to the Access Fund?

You absolutely can! If you haven’t bought your KinkFest ticket yet, you can donate along with your ticket purchase through our EventBrite page. If you’d like to donate separately, please DM or email us and we’ll give you our info to do that.